Victorian Drink Driving Trends and Laws
It should go without saying that the legal system heavily frowns upon drink driving. Where a drunken driver’s actions lead to serious injury or death, the case it taken especially seriously by judges. When people get behind the wheel of a car after drinking more than the legal amount, they are risking the safety of others, and the community as a whole.
There are a number of factors that will affect what the consequences are for drink drivers. If charges have been laid against you for drink driving, and you are found guilty, things like the level of alcohol in your system, if you have had any previous offences, if you were taking narcotics, and how fast you were going are all factors. Depending on these things, you might face some serious time behind bars, should you be convicted.
If you have been charged with drink driving, and given a summons to go to court, legal counselling will be essential. This is a dire charge, and it should not be taken lightly.
Statistical Trends
The Transport Accident Commission of Victoria has gathered data to indicate that drink driving is generally less common, in the past decade. This is largely due to breath testing for alcohol, as well as drug testing for drivers. The random breath tests on roadsides, as well as the “booze buses”, have been a boon to police and governmental efforts.