All You Need to Know about Workplace Discrimination and the Legal Actions Taken Against It
Every workplace may consist of many kinds of people, coming from different backgrounds, which makes it a diverse place for interaction. However, not everyone appreciates this diversity and this might result in discrimination against a particular group. At the workplace, discrimination occurs when biased decisions are made against people based on something, which is not under their control. These decisions can be related to promotion, hiring, termination, retribution, reward, assignment of a task, or any other work related scenarios. You should consult an experienced lawyer if you can’t find the information you are seeking online.
Types of Unlawful Discrimination
There are several types of discrimination factors a person might come across at the workplace, which consists of age, sex, race, marital status, religion, nationality, physical disability, sexual orientation or preference, political affiliation and anything else, which is beyond the control of an individual.
Adverse Actions
This includes any discriminatory behaviour. It can be an employee’s dismissal, harming an employee during the course of their employment, changing their position in order to harm them, giving preference to other employee over them, rejecting hiring a potential worker, or modification in the employment offer based on discrimination.
Laws and Legal Actions regarding Unlawful Discrimination
State and federal laws have been put in place to protect the employees and improve the workplace environment. Acts such as, Occupational Health and Safety Act, Equal Opportunity at Workplace Act, Public Service Act, and Fair Work Act, are a few that deal with such harassment. Other specific laws tackle different types of harassment, which are discussed as under: