Crucial Information For Parents Wishing To Adopt A Child From Overseas
Although child adoption is a matter that family lawyers are sought out for advice and representation regularly, an adoption matter they are asked about that is much less common is overseas adoption. Known as intercountry adoption this is when prospective parents wish to adopt a child that is not an Australian citizen and who lives overseas.
As you might expect, the process and criteria that must be met to adopt an overseas child are somewhat complicated and also have several different eligibility rules compared to adopting an Australian child. This is why adoptive parents must seek the advice of family lawyers who have expert knowledge of intercountry adoption before they proceed.
If you were not aware that intercountry adoption was possible and have no knowledge of it, or are at the start of the adoption process, we thought it would be useful to outline some of the basics which apply so that you have a better understanding of the procedures and criteria that apply.